3D Modelling

3D modelling work done not only for myself but also for a project with the United States Air Force!

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Web Development

This website you're looking at right now was completely hand-crafted. No Bootstrap, Angular, or anything of that sort needed for this!

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Server Administration

While this may be hosted on a VPS, I know how to manage a server farm. From DNS to mail servers, web servers (naturally), and even a Git server for the fun of it!

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Like what you see? Contact me!

Solve a little puzzle to get my address. Don't worry, it's not hard, this is just to prevent spambots from spamming up an email address I actually kinda care about checking. Don't worry, it's easy!

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Other Coding

I didn't just get that CS degree for webdev and nothing else! I tend to focus on the C-likes and Shell Scripting, but I don't mind a little Java here and there!

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Extensive Linux/Unix Knowledge

Naturally with server management this skill is necessary. It also helps that I've been using Linux (or GNU/Linux for the pedants) for pretty much everything I do for the better part of eight years!

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Website established in 2020 by Alec Trent

Lovingly written by hand in Emacs (Vim is great too, it's just that emacs is a better development environment)

All images not mine sourced from https://www.unsplash.com. Tux image sourced from the Wikipedia article.

This site uses one cookie and one cookie alone, and that is for the sake of remembering if dark mode is present. That's it. It expires after a day. Also it only loads if you go into a subpage, so consider that the cookie policy.

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